Whenever ordinary glasses or contact lenses don't produce clear vision, you are considered to have low vision.
Signs and Symptoms include:
• Difficulty recognizing objects at a distance (street signs or bus signs)
• Difficulty differentiating colors (particularly in the green-blue-violet range)
• Difficulty seeing well up close (reading or cooking)
Tests and Diagnosis:
To determine the extent of your useful vision, you will need to have your eyes examined. The examination for low vision differs from a typical eye examination. During a low vision examination, your doctor may administer the following tests:
• Refraction (to assess your vision and determine the prescription for your glasses, if glasses may be of any use)
• Visual field (to assess your peripheral vision)
Because low vision examinations may involve a variety of tests, they are often more time consuming than standard examinations. For instance, refraction may be done through a telescope or trial lens frame so you can judge which lens is best.
• Low vision cannot be fully corrected. However, there are a wide array of devices to help people with low vision, including :
• Magnifiers and reading prisms
• Large-print reading materials
• High-contrast watches and
• Machines that talk.
Consult At Aadil Hospital for counseling and proper treatment.