Hypertensive kidney disease is a medical condition referring to damage to the kidney due to chronic high blood pressure. It should be distinguished from renovascular hypertension, which is a form of secondary hypertension
Hypertensive Nephropathy is a common disease of the majority of middle-aged hypertensive nephropathy. In clinic, the symptoms vary from person to person. And here is an overview of hypertensive nephropathy symptoms.
• Change in mental status, such as restlessness, sleepiness, fatigue, confusion, decreased ability to concentrate etc.
• Recurrent cough, cold, infections
• Chronic high blood pressure
• Weakness of the arm, legs, face, or other areas
• Reduced urine and frequent urination at night
• Chest pain
• Dizziness and headache
• Protein in urine, blood in urine
• Back pain
Routine Test:
Urine test: blood or protein in urine is the most common signs for nephritis.
Blood test: kidneys work to remove harmful substances from the blood in normal conditions. Thereby, the elevated levels of these substances indicate kidney function decline.
Regular blood pressure checks: to monitor your blood pressure levels.
Special Tests
● Kidney Damage Tests: to whether your kidney are injured or not; which part of your kidney are injured, glomeruli or renal tubules; How severity your kidney damages is; the tests offer directions for your doctor to choose drugs for you.
● Blood Fat Tests: to find out whether blood fat levels increase or not; the severity and type of elevated blood fat levels; right method to cleanse out the excessive blood fat. The tests include the following 7 indexes, triglyceride, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterin, low density lipoprotein cholesterin, apolipoprotein A1, apolipoprotein B and lipoprotein A.
● Toxins in Blood Tests: to offer an overview of waste products in your blood, which helps your doctor choose right method to clean your blood. Various toxins need different blood dialysers. In addition, the tests give directions to improve your prognosis.
● Blood Urine Location Tests: to find out where the blood cells from, glomeruli or urinary tract; the severity of blood urine; to offer direction for the drug use.
● Heart Function Tests: It includes Accu Troponin and NT-proBNP. Accu Troponin > 14pg/ml, it indicates myocardial damage; Accu Troponin > 100pg/ml, it indicates myocardial infarction; Elevated NT-proBNP level marks heart failure.
Hypertensive Nephropathy, also known as hypertensive nephrosclerosis, is a kidney disorder that result from high blood pressure. Antihypertensive drugs are the most common treatment for the disease. Besides, blood pressure control, you can do more than you think.
For patients who have chronic hypertension and kidney disease, the antihypertensive drugs, such as angiotensin II receptor blocker and ACE inhibitor are utilized to control the blood pressure.
Immunotherapy is a systemic treatment which consists of several parts, that is, evaluating medical condition, cleaning out the toxins in the blood, blocking the kidney inflammation, improving kidney functions and rebuilding the immune system.
Dialysis is suggested when hypertensive nephropathy develops kidney failure in which the kidneys cannot work properly to remove the toxins in the blood.
Dialysis works to filter the small sized toxins out of the blood. These waste products include BUN, serum creatinine, urea etc. If your condition is serious, only dialysis may be not enough. Hemoperfusion, hemofiltration and CRRT may be ordered.
Kidney Transplant is a medical procedure which uses a donated kidney to replace the failed ones to improve kidney functions. Before and after the surgery, the blood pressure control will be a very important part. If it fails, hypertensive nephropathy may come back.
Consult at Aadil Hospital for better treatment.