Gonorrhea (also known as gonnococcal infection, gonococcal urethritis, gonorrhoea, and the clap) is a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Symptoms in Men
- Painful or burning sensation
- Greater frequency or urgency of urination
- A pus-like discharge (or drip) from the penis (white, yellow, beige, or greenish)
- Swelling or redness at the opening of the penis
- Swelling or pain in the testicles
- A persistent sore throat
Symptoms in Women
- Discharge from the vagina
- Pain or burning sensation while urinating
- The need to urinate more frequently
- Sore throat
- Pain upon engaging in sexual intercourse
- Sharp pain in the lower abdomen
- Fever
- Gram staining
- Culture